Wednesday, July 11, 2012

BackUp Buddy

Protect your content.

Back up, restore and move WordPress.

BACKUP - Back up your entire WordPress installation. Widgets, themes, plugins, files and SQL database - the entire package! Just like your laptop or desktop computer, you should be doing regular backups of your website. With BackupBuddy you can schedule backups and have them sent off-site to Dropbox, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, an FTP server, or your email. Or download them right to your desktop.

RESTORE - Restore your WordPress site fast. The restore function in BackupBuddy is super simple. Upload importbuddy.php and your backup file, and it restores WordPress: your themes, widgets, plugins, and everything else. You don’t even need to install WordPress first!

MOVE - Move a WordPress site to another domain or server easily. If you build custom WordPress sites for clients, this plugin is for you! This is a very popular feature for WordPress developers who build a custom site for a client on a temporary domain or locally (like a sandbox or playground site) and then want to move the entire site with content, styles, widgets and all on a live client domain.